“I Just Don’t Believe That…”
Dear friend,
When I meet people in town, they usually say, “Oh, yeah, I know you, you’re that doctor with the beard on TV.” Well, perhaps I should tell you a little more about myself, the picture from television and why I use it in my ads.
Let’s start with me, the guy with the beard. Ten years ago I was living here in Florida. At that time my mother was down visiting from New Jersey for the season when she showed up in my clinic with a frozen shoulder. She was desperate and in pain
having lost practically all use of her dominant arm. She could hardly fix her hair, reach for a coffee cup or even fasten her brassiere. Basic hygiene had become extremely difficult for her. She was afraid, because the two orthopedic surgeons that she had consulted told her, “Your only option is to have your shoulder replaced.” I remember saying to my mother, “I just don’t believe that.”
Now at that time I was a chiropractor who worked primarily on the spine. Frankly… I didn’t know how I was going to help her. I just knew there was a non-surgical solution out there and I was going to find it.
And boy did I find it! I found the answer to my mother’s shoulder problem and much, much more. And where did I find it? Of all places, I found it at the birthplace of Elvis Presley, Tupelo, Mississippi. Immediately I hopped on a plane and flew into Memphis, rented a car and drove out to a chiropractic neurologist who was willing to teach me how to fix my mother’s frozen shoulder. I spent three days in his clinic shadowing him, learning a new technique I had never even heard about before. Eager to help my mother, I developed this new skill set quickly. When I returned to Florida I wanted to be able to immediately fix my mother’s shoulder.
And that’s exactly what happened. After I performed the first Non-Surgical Operation on her shoulder, her pain went away significantly and she recovered to nearly full range of motion. She was so happy that she avoided surgery and got her life back.
It’s strange how life is, because that same doctor who showed me how to fix my mother’s shoulder opened up his treasure chest of knowledge and showed me how to help people with chronic knee, neck, low back pain and those suffering with neuropathy in their hands and feet, all without the use of Drugs, Surgery or Injections.
I spent the next several months flying back and forth to Mississippi learning all that I could.
Many years later we now have over one thousand successful patient testimonials. Many of them were told by their doctors that their only option was to have their knee or shoulder replaced or to take toxic drugs for the rest of their lives to mask their neuropathy symptoms.
Al was one of those patients who was told he had ‘bone on bone’ degeneration. His knee stopped unlocking properly, similar to what I’m describing in the photo, and he was facing knee replacement surgery. He was suffering from chronic degenerative knee pain, couldn’t walk properly and was easily holding onto 60 pounds of excess body weight. His doctors would have eagerly scheduled him for a knee replacement surgery had he decided to go in that direction.
Immediately after the Non-Surgical Operation I performed on Al’s knee, he was squatting and walking up and down the stairs normally without pain.
Al is now in his early 70s touring Alaska in his RV. He has dropped over 60 pounds and is biking 15 – 20 miles per day and loving life. He regularly sends me great pictures from his adventures.
Joyce was told by her oncologist, “There’s nothing that can be done.” She would have to live with the chemo-induced neuropathy in her hands and feet. Hot and cold were indistinguishable and the numbness and tingling made it impossible for her to walk any distance.
Joyce was a cancer survivor only to have come out on the other side with another debilitating condition. She and her husband showed up in my clinic and told me what their medical doctor had said. I told her the same thing I told my mother, “I
just don’t believe that.”

After a thorough neurological examination and report of findings she trusted me enough to follow my protocols. Within two weeks her numbness and tingling in her feet subsided and the feeling was coming back.. After 12 weeks she was feeling the
sand between her toes as she walked along the beach again. At her one year checkup Joyce’s sensory loss had improved over 80% overall to within the normal range… She is all smiles these days!
You should know that I don’t heal anyone of anything. What I do is perform a specific non- surgical operation that resets the communication between the brain and knee or shoulder, instantly decreasing pain and inflammation, increasing strength and flexibility and helping with tissue healing. For our neuropathy patients we have a 4 step, proven approach that heals your nerves and reverses your symptoms. We get tremendous results. It’s as simple as that!
Today in the United States medical doctors are prescribing more drugs than ever before. These drugs are designed to cover up symptoms as your condition gets worse underneath the surface. The toxicity from the daily use of these chemicals ultimately leads to nasty side-effects and more drugs to treat the new symptoms. The current “healthcare” system was built to maintain your condition, not fix it. It’s a brilliant business model for the pharmaceutical industry and the hospitals, but a horrible strategy to follow if one is looking to age gracefully.
That’s where my practice comes in. I have found a way so that more people are able to afford the treatment they need, even those on a fixed income with or without health insurance coverage. One Non-Surgical Operation in my clinic could cost what you’d pay for just the deductible of a joint replacement surgery.
You Benefit from a Unique Offer…When you bring in this article, you will receive a FREE CONSULTATION with me to determine whether you are a good candidate for our Non-Surgical Knee or Shoulder Operation. If you’re being seen for Neuropathy we will take a thermal image of your feet at no charge to you. This will give me enough information to know whether I can help you. Once we determine you’re a good candidate and you feel comfortable in my clinic the complete examination is only $90. That’s it, for the entire neurological examination & report of findings. This examination & report could cost you over $300 elsewhere. But, please call right away because this offer expires on October 31st, 2022, and I don’t want you to miss out. By the way, further care is very affordable and you’ll be happy to know that the non-surgical, drug free therapies and procedures performed in my clinic can cost as little as $150 – 300 per month. You see, I’m not trying to seduce you to come see me with this low start up fee, then to only make it up with high fees after that. Further care is very important to consider when making your choice of doctor because higher costs can add up very quickly.
“You shouldn’t be forced to choose drugs and surgery just because that’s the only treatment medicare and your insurance company will pay for.”
You should know a little about my qualifications. That’s important so that there’s no misunderstanding about the quality of care. I’m a graduate of Life University School of Chiropractic who has been in practice for 24 years. 7 of those years were spent practicing in New York City. I am a licensed chiropractic physician certified in functional neurology, strength & conditioning, regenerative detoxification and I have my diplomate in addictionology. I’m published in leading chiropractic journals and my television program can be viewed daily on NBC-2. I’ve been entrusted to take care of regular morning walkers and pickleball players to pro-athletes and business tycoons you may have heard of.
My office is called Active Health Knee & Shoulder and it is located at 6710 Winkler Road, Suite #1 It’s the gray key west style building at the corner of cypress lake drive behind the bank of america. The phone number is 239-482-8686. Please call my wonderful assistants Becky or Silvia today to make an appointment.
God bless.
-Dr. Robert Davis, DC, CSCS
P.S. When accompanied by the first, I am also offering the second family member this same examination for only $45.
P.P.S. Your time is as valuable to you as mine is to me. That’s why I have a “no wait” policy. It is highly unusual to wait more than a few minutes in my office.
My mother and I featured in a local publication for non- surgical shoulder solutions.

Al on my TV program telling his story of how he avoided a total knee replacement surgery.

Joyce is all smiles at her one year checkup. No more neuropathy!

Call Today (239) 482-8686
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Cannot be combined with any other offer. Exp. 10.31.22. The patient and any other person responsible for payment has a right to refuse to pay, cancel payment or be reimbursed for payment for any other service,
examination, or treatment that is performed as a result of and within 72 hours of responding to the advertisement for the free, discounted fee, or reduced fee service, examination or treatment
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